For STL, designing is feeling!

It’s impossible design and create the real beauty without keeping mind of all 5 senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing!

It may seem “exaggerated” that in order to DESIGN all our sensory activities must be implemented, but I assure you that it is absolutely NECESSARY to create authentic BEAUTY.

Man lives this land, therefore he has inhabited it, since he was born. This continuous coexistence inevitably generates a bond, a two-way relationship between man, nature, buildings, objects, and every single component of the
, from the grain of sand, to the piece of parquet, to the wheels of a seat and I could continue like this indefinitely!


The process of discovery between us and “everything else” begins at an early age, indeed I would say from our very first breath!
The first sense we use is the sense of smell, absolutely the primordial sense, the one that develops first and that accompanies us on the journey of knowledge “of outside us”.

The children are in close contact with the earth, the soil. We touch it to crawl and scrutinize every smallest vein, we smell every smallest smell and unfortunately we taste every smallest grain and this helps us to recognize the elements even before connecting them to a word and a meaning.

Paradoxically, with less knowledge and experience, as children we become more aware of the visceral link with the space that surrounds us and we unconsciously, but rightly, connect it to feeling good or bad.

For this reason, Maria Montessori in “From Childhood to Adolescence” writes: Everything is closely connected on this planet and every detail becomes interesting for being connected to others. We can compare the whole to a canvas: every detail is an embroidery, the whole forms a magnificent fabric “.

  • How many times have you happened to smile looking the kennel of your lovely dog because it reminded you when he has been funny and clumsy dragging it with his teeth around the living room and he has teared it to a thousand pieces?
  • How many times when touching a particular type of fabric have you burst into tears because it made you think of the particular coat that a lost beloved person wore?

Space is closely intersected with our life, it generates emotions, sensations, memories in us! Our sensory sphere speaks with the surrounding elements, with the entire space in which we live every single moment of our existence.


As Richard J. Neutra, a great architect of the early 1900s, wrote: “designing means exercising a very great and delicate power, whose influence on our lives is as surprising as it is underestimated. For this reason, beyond the measures of the form, the true protagonist of the art of design is man “. (taken from “Planning to survive” edited by Comunità editions)

Man is the beginning, the development and the end of a project. Our growth is linked to the care of the environment that surrounds us, our health is linked to the improvement of the environment we live every day!

With absolute awareness STL identifies its PURPOSE COMPANY in creating beautiful and sustainable places in which to live and work in well-being thanks to the essential combination of Design and Technology products and services, always putting the PERSON at the center!

Today, even more than before, in the midst of the Covid-19 emergency that forces us to physical distance, it is necessary to rethink spaces, organize environments, both in the company and at home. We must guarantee the right social distancing, but also the possibility of being able to cooperate in a smart and functional way and STL does so thanks to the careful contamination of technological products such as visual solutions and Office & printing and the choice of ergonomic and BEAUTIFUL furnishings.

Even more than before, design must recognize and harmonize man with “everything else”! Our WELLNESS is generated by our ability to create places, elements that are human-sized and that are able to respond or even foresee needs and requirements, respecting nature and enhancing BEAUTY as a value and not as a reductive concept of TASTE.

“We must design with greater humanity if we want to design to live and to live long”

Richard J. Neutra, taken from “Designing to survive” edited by Comunità editions